The border area in both countries, Greece and Bulgaria, is often characterized by difficulties in access to finance, limited access to the know-how of businesses, weak formal and informal access to mainstream information, lack of support services for the development of competitive products/services, insufficient development of human resources and skills and a poor performance in internationalization.
The CO-WORKING project aspires to overturn these facts by creating an innovative ecosystem in the cross-border region between Greece and Bulgaria, aiming to encourage business creation. The implementation of the system is based on the establishment of two support mechanisms for the pre-incubation of businesses based in the two countries respectively.
Unlike a common business incubator, the pre-incubator will only support business ideas/projects and not businesses already in operation.
The project aims at accelerating early-stage teams to develop a business idea under real-life conditions, before taking an entrepreneurial risk, with the goal to transform initial ideas into viable proposals that go beyond the so-called “valley of death”.
The expected results are directly related to the specific objectives and as a whole are the means to achieve the overall objectives of the project.